The mantra of pharmaphorum is ‘bringing healthcare together’ because, to me, the best healthcare solutions are formed through collaboration between all stakeholders – medical professional, patients, and the industry.

QuDoS in MS is a perfect reflection of exactly that: bringing everyone together to recognise outstanding contributions, share best practice and make a real difference.

In both previous years, the QuDoS in MS recognition ceremony has been a wonderful celebration of what is best in multiple sclerosis care. Seeing individuals and organisations recognised by their peers and bringing together all the different stakeholders in the field cuts to the very core of what I believe good healthcare looks like. I also know from personal experience that those that have been recognised in the previous two years have grown further and inspired others.

There are many national and even international initiatives aimed at tackling the big problems in healthcare, whether in MS or elsewhere. However, bringing new therapies to market takes time and increasing treatment access takes time. But what we see with QuDoS is the recognition of very simple and practical contributions by individuals and organisations that make a positive, immediate impact for patients and their families.

By highlighting and recognising these we cannot only deliver the recognition they deserve but also share best practice and very quickly make an impact on more people’s lives.

It’s amazing to have the recognition ceremony bringing people together and celebrating success. But we’ve also learned that sharing such outstanding contribution and best practice needs to be a continual thing. For this year’s programme, we will therefore be publishing more materials after the event through to early 2018 and the launch of next year’s programme that disseminate activities related to the winners and their programmes to raise awareness of their outstanding work.

– Paul Tunnah, pharmaphorum

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